Merci d'être un membre d'AOL Canada. La langue utilisée sur le site 'My Account' est principalement l'anglais - si vous avez des questions ou des problèmes concernant votre compte, s'il vous plaît communiquer avec notre équipe services aux membres au 1-888-265-4357 pour d'assistance immediate. Des agents de langue français sont a votre disposition.
Download software to conveniently access the internet based on your operating system or internet connection type.
Download AOL Shield

Windows Vista and Windows XP

Optimized for older operating systems, AOL Shield allows you to browse the internet quickly and easily.
Download CompuServe Gold

Windows 7 and above

Get the CompuServe Desktop experience you know and love plus enhanced security, more speed and automatic updates with CompuServe Gold.
Download AOL Dialer

Dial-up internet connections

Get the AOL Dialer for Windows 98/ME/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 to connect to the internet via dial-up. We also recommend you download AOL Shield to enhance your browsing experience, available to you at no additional cost.
We're sorry, there are no available options for MAC operating systems at this time.